Powerful solutions for tough weeds

Aggressor AX Group 1 ACCase-inhibiting herbicides inhibit activity of the enzyme ACCase, resulting in the elimination of susceptible grassy weeds.
Feral Rye Control — Download PDF
Downy Brome Control — Download PDF
Feral rye control treated with Aggressor AX herbicide on the left and untreated on the right. Trial conducted by Montana State University.
Relax and enjoy control of problem annual and perennial grasses
Aggressor AX brings systemic and selective broad-spectrum control at a lower cost to maximize value to the farmer. Consistent control of problem grasses like:
- Bromus species (Bromus tectorum and Bromus secalinus), including ALS-resistant bio-types
- Feral rye (Secale cereale) and cereal rye
- Yellow and green foxtails
- Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrical), including ALS-resistant biotypes
- Wild oats (Avena fatua)
- Volunteer cereals

Aggressor AX herbicides with ACCase-inhibiting action

- Offers Group 1 herbicide mode-of-action, which can be safely applied to varieties that are developed with the AXigen trait
- Used in conjunction with CoAXium wheat varieties, Aggressor AX is a valuable tool for consistent control of tough annual grassy weeds like brome, feral/cereal rye and jointed goatgrass — including ALS-resistant biotypes
- Provides growers with a new mode-of-action, crop and chemical rotation flexibility, and consistent broad-spectrum grassy weed control
- Application rates of 8-12 oz/acre, depending on weed species and size at time of application
- Can be tank-mixed and applied with foliar fertilizers
Aggressor AX herbicides give you clean rows and clean wheat
- Provides only grass control, but can be mixed with a wide array of broadleaf herbicides to achieve one-pass grass and broadleaf weed control
- Cannot be tank-mixed with Amine 2-4D and MCPA Amine formulations or Metribuzin
- Aggressor AX full federal Sec 3 registration received in March 2018

Aggressor AX herbicides are flexible, yes. Complicated, no.

- Provides control of ALS (Group 2) insensitive and resistant downy brome grass and jointed goatgrass
- Can be used with non-ionic, Methylated seed oil and crop oil concentrate surfactants
- Can be tank-mixed with a wide array of broadleaf herbicides
- Can be safely combined and used with foliar fertilizer programs
- Do not make applications of Aggressor AX herbicide if temperatures are expected to fall below and stay below 32°F. Growing degree days must be accruing before and after an application of Aggressor AX. A general guideline would be to have 5 days of heat units prior to or after the application of Aggressor AX.
Key features and benefits of Aggressor AX

- Provides growers with more crop rotation freedom due to lack of soil persistence and limited plant back restrictions on key crops
- Offers broad-spectrum control of tough annual grassy weeds including feral rye and ALS (Group 2) resistant bio-types of downy brome and jointed goatgrass
- Can be combined with many broadleaf weed partners for complete grass and broadleaf control in a single application
- Excellent crop safety, as Aggressor AX will be applied to only two gene-tolerant CoAXium wheat varieties
- Can be applied in the fall or spring at rates that match grassy weed size and pressure
- Has a herbicide application window from 5 leaf wheat to jointing (2nd node detectable on main stem)
- Is a Group 1 (ACCase) mode-of-action, providing growers with a new tool for control of tough annual grassy weeds
Fall application of Aggressor AX herbicide for control of downy brome grass

The CoAXium Wheat Production System driven by Aggressor AX herbicide improves crop stand and reduces competition for both water and nutrients, giving you the ultimate outcome: cleaner fields and higher yields.