How to maximize your return on investment with the CoAXium Wheat Production System
Increased ROI starts with the seed

Select the right variety for your region and your fields.

Follow CoAXium Wheat Production System Stewardship Guidelines to keep this valuable technology in your toolbox.

Identify the weed species and level of pressure in your fields.

Make early applications of Aggressor AX herbicide at the correct rate before weeds compete with your wheat.
Serious weeds need a powerful solution
The damage grassy weed infestations can inflict on a wheat crop and its ultimate profitability is widely understood by farmers. Grassy weeds compete for light and space, deplete moisture and nutrients and wreak havoc on the overall health of wheat through every stage of growth.

Know your weeds and apply accordingly
Whether it’s feral rye, downy brome or jointed goatgrass, grassy weeds can completely choke out a wheat field. Even after the weeds die, they pass on root pathogens — creating an in-crop green bridge that results in additional crop stress and yield loss.
Apply the proper rate of Aggressor AX by weed species and weed size, on a field-by-field basis. When grassy weeds become larger and populations of grassy weeds increase, your volume of application should also increase. Larger weeds and high populations require a minimum sprayer volume of 15 gallons per acre.
For optimal feral rye control in winter wheat, a two-pass application of Aggressor AX at 8 oz/acre applied in the fall followed by a spring application at 8 oz/acre will deliver best results.
Making the most of Aggressor AX herbicide
At the elevator, grassy weeds can continue to diminish profitability when farmers are docked for large amounts of weed seed in their grain and reduced quality, such as test weight. Aggressor AX herbicide, as part of CoAXium, is the most powerful tool you can have in your fight against grassy weeds.
Apply Aggressor AX herbicide before grassy weeds compete with your wheat crop for space, nutrients and moisture

Aerial application should only be used on 1-3 leaf feral rye or downy brome and requires 5-7 gallons per acre by air.
When it comes to your ROI, timing is EVERYTHING

Timely fall application ensured that weeds did not have an opportunity to compete with the wheat crop.
100% of the yield potential was harvested.
Maximized ROI was achieved.
Yield : 50 bu/ac
ROI : 100%

Spring application allowed for intercrop competition to begin.
Level of targeted weed control was still excellent.
87% of yield potential was achieved resulting in nearly 15% less revenue.
Yield : 43.5 bu/ac
ROI : 87%

Late spring application was applied.
Although the field was 98% free of downy brome, delayed herbicide application depleted yield to only 49% of what was achievable.
Yield : 24.5
ROI : 49%

No herbicide application.
Downy brome infestation of this severity will decimate a competing wheat crop.
0% return on an investment in CoAXium Wheat Production System was achieved.
Yield : 0 bu/ac
ROI : 0%
You’ve invested in the best wheat production system. Now it’s time to maximize your ROI.
- 1. Plant Certified CoAXium (AX) varieties and plant into a clean seed bed. Select the wheat variety that has the best agronomic fit for your production system and micro-climate.
- 2. Combine Aggressor AX herbicide only with approved tank-mix partners. Aggressor AX herbicide provides no broadleaf weed control and very minimal residual control. Aggressor AX can be tank-mixed, however, with certain broadleaf herbicides, but should not be tank-mixed with the amine formulations of 2,4-D or MCPA or grassy weed control will be severely reduced. Do not mix with metribuzin.
- 3. Eliminate intercrop competition by spraying Aggressor AX herbicide at the right time based on the specific weed at exact rates by crop growth stage. This is where you can maximize your ROI.
- 4. Application coverage is critical. Aggressor AX herbicide is a systemic Group 1 contact herbicide. It kills what it hits.
- 5. Stewardship is the key to long-term performance. Stewardship is critical to prolong the utility, features and benefits of CoAXium and Aggressor AX herbicide. Refer to the CoAXium Wheat Production System Grower Stewardship guide with any questions or concerns.
CoAXium allows growers to produce more, high quality wheat with less dockage and foreign matter. Just as important, CoAXium is the only system today that has limited soil residual, providing growers with greater crop rotation flexibility.

CoAXium Wheat Production System combines a herbicide-tolerance trait, elite varieties, a new branded herbicide and a comprehensive industry stewardship package.

Aggressor AX is the herbicide brand linked to the patented trait and controls winter annual grasses in the CoAXium Wheat Production System.

AXigen is the patented non-GMO trait that confers tolerance to a Group 1 herbicide and is being introduced into elite public and private varieties adapted to your growing environment.